If you have been involved in a car accident and you are searching for a lawsuit loan, you are not alone. There are thousands of car accidents each day throughout North America and due to hard economic times, it couldn't happen at a worse time. At LawLeaf we understand the importance of securing lawsuit funding for a car accident and we provide the services to get you cash at a competitive rate, fast. A car accident is never something you plan and certainly no time is a good time. At LawLeaf the majority of the lawsuit cash advances that are approved are from cases involving motor vehicle accidents. If you are currently searching for lawsuit funding for a car accident, begin by applying online with LawLeaf today.
We receive inquires from clients looking to secure funding prior to a case reaching a settlement. While the majority of the cases we take a pre settlement funding cases we also provide post settlement funding, appeals funding and structured settlement buyouts for all car accident lawsuits. A lawsuit loan for a car accident should always be non recourse; This means you don't pay back the underwriter unless you are successful in winning your claim. At LawLeaf we only work with those underwriters who provide non recourse to our clients.
When we receive an application for a car accident lawsuit loan we process your application almost immediately. Once LawLeaf has received an application for an auto accident we proide a matching service to provide you with the most competitive rates at the requested amount. We understand that not all people who sign up for a lawsuit loan will qualify for the advance, however car accidents tend to be the most likely cases to receive funding.
A lawsuit loan may benefit you & your case. By securing a lawsuit loan you will allow your attorney more time to litigate the case. This means you won't be in the financial position to have to settle your case premauturely. LawLeaf is an online leading lawsuit funding service that puts our clients in front of the right lenders the first time. By applying once for a car accident lawsuit loan you will be in a better position to receive competitive rates & a quick approval process.
If you are currently searching for a car accident settlement advance begin by applying online with LawLeaf today.